Essential Oils for Ailments
Aching muscles – Lavender, chamomile, geranium
Acne – Tea tree could be used to reduce the bacterial infection while Jasmine could be used to reduce scarring.
Allergies – Melissa is an antihistamine
Aphrodisiac -Rose, Ylang ylang, sandalwood and more
Arthritis – Lavender for the pain, Juniper to disperse the uric acid build up
Athletes foot – Tea Tree
Blood pressure – Ylang ylang balances the pressure while geranium soothes the underlying stress
Breasts, sore – Geranium through a warn compress
Broken skin – Myrrh
Bronchitis – Eucalyptus, myrrh, bergamot, tea tree
Bruising – geranium
Burns – Neat lavender
Cellulite – Grapefruit, fennel, juniper, cypress
Chicken Pox: To soothe the itching, Mandarin and tea tree in a lotion with lavender and chamomile.
Circulation – geranium, black pepper
Cold sores – Tea tree neat , Colds Tea tree, lemon, eucalyptus
Colitis – coriander, cardamom, Chamomile
Concentration – frankincense, rosewood, melissa
Constipation – ginger, black pepper, cardamom, coriander, dill, Chamomile
Cough – myrtle
Cystitis – tea tree, bergamot
Dermatitis – Calendula
Diarrhoea – Tea tree, dill, ginger, cypress
Dry skin – Rose, geranium, frankincense
Eczema – Geranium, Calendula
Fever – Camphor
Gingivitis - lemon
Gout - juniper
Haemorrhoids – geranium in a cold compress or cream
Headaches – lavender. Rosemary for nerve pain
Hyperactivity : Lavender, Chamomile, geranium, frankincense, valerian, rosewood
Infection –Tea tree,Cinnamon leaf, thyme
Insomnia- Lavender and chamomile to soothe. Marjoram works on the central nervous system.
Oily Skin – Sebum produce is balanced by Lavender.
Open pores – Myrtle
Psoriasis – Cajuput, Bergamot, lavender, chamomile
Relaxation – Lavender, Chamomile, Ylang ylang, geranium, sandalwood, bergamot, myrrh, valerian
Rheumatism – Lavender for the pain, juniper for uric acid
Sinusitis – Myrrh, lemon, frankincense, eucalyptus, inula.
Sports injuries:
- Aching joints – lavender eases the pain and juniper flushes out the lactic acid build up. Perfect in the bath after the first exercise session after a long break.
- Ballerina Toes – Use myrrh to heal where pointe shoes rub.
- Muscle strain lavender, juniper, black pepper, geranium
- Sprained ankle – Lavender for discomfort, geranium and fennel to flush out the swelling, frankincense for the connective tissue.
- Tendons – Frankincense brings back elasticity, lavender eases the pain
Spots – Lavender oil or tea tree oil neat on the spot. If spots are a recurring problem add cypress, grapefruit and bergamot to your skin care creams
Stretch marks – Coconut oil. Rub gently into your belly.
Thrush – Tea tree and bergamot.
Toothache – clove oil.
Varicose veins – Geranium oil in a lotion. No massage, only gently stroke in the lotion.
Wrinkles – Neroli and camellia carrier, as well as frankincense.
Worms - Thyme